Facebook Messenger is dominating the Vietnam’s instant message market.
Facebook Messenger is the king of instant message apps in Vietnam
Vietnam now has 96.02 million population in total and 35% of them are living in cities.

The median age of its population is 30.9(… so young) and its GDP per capita is 6,435 USD.

72% of its adults are using smartphone

94% of its total population are surfing Internet everyday.

Google, Facebook and YouTube are the top three websites ranking by monthly traffic, Vnexpress.net is the most popular local media as the 5th of the ranking and ZING.vn as the 6th, Browser vendor Coccoc.com as the 8th and so on …

If we use ranking factors other than website traffic such as the number of visitors to each website, the number of page viewed, it shows a different ranking order as the table below, CocCoc.com is the top one and Facebook is the 4th of its top websites

Using social media is the top one activity of Vietnam’s weekly online usage

The most popular Google search keywords in Vietnam
- The top one is PHIM which means “Movie” in English
- The third is BẢO which means “Bag” in English
- The 7th is BÓNG ĐÁ which means “Soccer” in English
- The 8th is NHẠC which means “Music” in English
- The 9th and 13th are “SỔ XỐ” which means “Lottery” in English
- The 15th is “TIN TỨC” which is “News” in English
- The 17th is “XEM PHIM” which means “Watch Movie”

Social Media is definitely the most important channel to reach users in Vietnam

The top five platforms to do business and reach users, Facebook, YouTube, Messenger, Zalo and Instagram, the media and channel usage and the priority of budget allocating are very similar to what we are using in Taiwan.

The population of this age range will be experiencing the blooming and prosperity of economic growth of Vietnam just like the last generation who were living in the golden age of Taiwan, so, If you are going to go to Vietnam to do something big, You have to catch these energized young people’s appetite.

There is no exception in Vietnam, If you want to reach Vietnamese on Facebook, No pay no gain.

One video is worth a thousand images …

If your business relies on pink economy, you can not afford to ignore this media in Vietnam.

“Facebook Messenger Platform” is the once and future king in Vietnam instant message market. “ZALO” is supported by China Internet titan “WeChat”, it still has chance and money and power to fight back and balance the power of chat economy in this country.

With this status-quo, Vietnam will definitely have a totally different path to developing its payment infrastructure to the other countries such as Taiwan and Japan.

E-commerce is rising in Vietnam

In E-commerce industry, 3C is the category which most Vietnamese spent money online, Vietnamese spent 840.7 million on line in this category last year, and travel takes the second place.

The fastest growing category in e-commerce industry in Vietnam is Fashion.

The value of consumer good market in Vietnam last year is 2.186 billion, The YoY of growth is +20%

As where to allocate the marketing budget, ad-tech and programmatic ads are definitely the place where absorbs the most campaign budge.

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